SUEZ CANAL -- History | Reason | Engineering | Dig | Important | Massive Cargo Ship Ever Given |

Suez Canal What is the history of the Suez Canal? The Suez Canal has existed in one form or the other since construction started under the reign of Senausret III, Pharao of Egypt (1887-1849 BC). Located in Egypt, the artificial sea-level waterway was built between 1859 and 1869 linking the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Suez Canal What was the reason to build Suez Canal? Why is the Suez Canal important? The Suez Canal is important because it is the shortest maritime route from Europe to Asia. Prior to its construction, ships headed toward Asia had to embark on an arduous journey around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa. Suez Canal Who built the Suez Canal? In the mid-19th century, French diplomat and engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps won permission from Egypt's Ottoman-appointed ruler Said Pasha to start building the canal. In 1858, Universal Suez Ship Canal Company was...