China condemns US, over probe into corona virus outbreak

Washington, United States has repeatedly accused China for spreading the corona virus in its laboratory from the city of Wuhan. The corona virus outbreak in Wuhan from China, has shaken the world. Till today, the world is waging a united war against it. China informed WHO that the first patient with corona symptoms was registered in Wuhan on December 8, 2019. Many international medias have traveled to Wuhan to cover the news, like interviewing scientists and to release documentaries. US Intelligence report confirms, that several months before China announced the corona infection to a scientist. Also, The Wall Street Journal reported based on US Intelligence confirms that scientists from its Wuhan Virology laboratory had sought medical help. In this case, US President Joe Biden has ordered US Intelligence to intensify efforts to trace the source of the corona infection. He had asked for a report within 90 days. Joe Biden, also told the Inquiry commission that he will put f...