The Indian Village Filled with TWINS


India has been called the land of mysteries since time immemorial, whether for its various enigmatic natural phenomena or eccentricities associated with its religions and culture.

Map of Kodinhi, Kerala

Kodinhi the village of twins. There are more than 700 twins living in this village. Kodinhi village is located at 25 km from Malappuram in ​​Kerala. The village has a population of about 20,000 people, most of the families who live here are twins.

This village is home to the largest number of twins in the world. One of the report analysis declared that this village has 6 times more twins than anywhere in the world. An average of 15 twins are said to be born each year.

Doctors and researchers besieged the village and gathered information from parents, relatives and teachers of the twins. According to the villagers, the number of twins started to rise since 1949. Here you can see twins between the ages of two and seventy. Researchers and physicians are working to determine the true cause of the mystery.

Due to this research organization the family members of the twins were disgusted. Subsequently, they appealed to the panchayat chief, they petitioned that the twins not be photographed or interviewed without their permission.

Following this, panchayat leader Mohammad Hassan ordered that no one should photograph or interview the twins without the permission of the Grama Panchayat Administration.

Conclusion:- Genetic causes have been ruled out, leaving environmental issues as the cause behind this strange phenomenon. Some speculate that it's the chemicals in the water that's causing the birth of twins. But the truth of the fact is that no one knows the answer to this mystery. For now Kodinhi remains an unsolved mystery.


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