Suez Canal -- Egypt showed the next shock -- The troubled Ever Given

The Suez Canal, a waterway connecting Asia and Europe, connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea to ease the International Trade.

One of the world's largest cargo ship, the "Ever Given", owned by a Japanese company, capsized on 23rd as it passed through the Suez Canal in Egypt, one of the world's major Canal system waterways. The shipping company said the ship was stranded across the canal due to a dust storm

After 6 days of relentless effort by human beings and the grace of nature, the ship began to re-float. The waterway in the Suez Canal reinstate to normal. However, this incurred a huge loss in trade with international countries. The cargo ship 'Ever Given' is currently anchored at the outskirts of Suez Canal. In this Scenario, Egyptian authorities have ordered Ever Given owners to evacuate the ship on repaying the damage caused by the blockage of the canal.

Meanwhile, Suez Canal management has filed a lawsuit in the Egyptian court, claiming USD One Billion to Ever Given ship owners for the obstruction and damages caused by the stranded ship “Ever Given”. The case came up for hearing in the Egyptian court yesterday.

The court has ordered the Egyptian government to seize the cargo ship 'Ever Given' until the owners of the ship pays the compensation. The judgement of the Egyptian court sent a shocking wave to Ever Given owners. In this context, the Egyptian government and the management of the Evergreen shipping company is reportedly in talks over compensation.

It is noteworthy that Robbie, chairman of the Suez Canal Authority, has stated that the cargo ship "Ever Given" can be released after the investigation is completed and compensation has been paid.

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