Centre issues fresh COVID-19 Guidelines for Restaurants, Malls, Hotels, Religious places.













The government on Thursday (March 4) issued new guidelines for prevention of the COVID-19 disease spread for hotels and hospitality units, restaurants, shopping malls, and religious places. Apart from the mandatory thermal screening, wearing of masks at all time, maintain social distancing, proper sanitisation of hands and maintaining six feet distancing, here's a list of other SOPs.

Guidelines for Hotels and Hospitality

Separate entry & exits for guests, staff and good/supplies to be arranged.

Hotels to adopt contactless processes like QR code, online forms, digital payments for both check-in & check out.

Luggage will be disinfected before sending it to the room

For room service, communication between guest & and in-house staff to be through intercom/ mobile phone.

Gaming arcades/ children play areas to function in accordance with thr SOPs of the State/U concerned.

Room and other service to be sanitised each time a guest leaves.

Guidelines for religious places

Touching of statues/ idols/ holy books etc. not allowed.

Recorded devotional songs may be played and singing groups should not be allowed.

Common prayer mats to be avoided, devotees to bring their own prayer mat.

No physical offering like prasad/ distribution or sprinkling of holy water, etc allowed.

Disinfection of the premises to be taken up if a person is found positive.

Guidelines for shopping malls

Number of customers inside the shop to kept at minimum ensuring physical distancing is maintained.

Cinema halls inside shopping malls to function in accordance with the SOPs issued by the ministry of information & Broadcasting & MHA.

Prominently display posters/ standees/ AV media on preventive measures about COVID-9.

Any shops, stall, cafeteria etc, outside & within the press to follow social distancing norms at all times.

Guidelines for restaurants

Encourage takeaways instead of Dine-in. Food delivery to be done due following adequate precautions.

Seating arrangement amongst patrons to be made n such a way that adequate physical distancing is maintained. 

Additional patrons to be eaten in a designated waiting area with the norms of social distancing. 

Use of disposable menus, good quality disposable paper napkins to be encouraged

Contactless mode of ordering and digital mod of payment to be encouraged.

Kitchen staff to follow social distancing norms & kitchen area to be sanitised at regular intervals.

Thank You!!!!!





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