Meet Samsung Galaxy F12 -- FullOnFab

Samsung Galaxy F12, a perfect smartphone with the #FullOnFab features, designed for current digital generation. It snaps out picture perfect smooth and stunning photos, surprisingly it's not an expensive gadget!

Galaxy F12 smartphones excellent quality features are; it comes with 48MP Main Quad Camera which brings your important and auspicious moments of the day into your hand. Its clarity and accuracy are unprecedented. Make your images come alive by having Samsung Galaxy F12 #FullOnFab. Express your creative nature whether it is day or night, summer or winter, click on amazing photos with this #FullOnFab smartphone. Say goodbye to cranny and blurry photos. This is the perfect moment for you to enjoy the full life of #FullOnFab with Samsung Galaxy F12's Super Clear True 48MP Camera!

Its superlative display comes with 6.5"HD + Infinity V Display, and a 90Hz refreshing rate, you cannot take your eyes off the phone. The scrolling is very smooth you will feel your fingers circulating on a butterfly surface. This is the moment to live with #FullOnFab with Samsung Galaxy F12 and its 90Hz refresh rate.

Rumor rolls out saying this smartphone is available for less than Rs 10,000. Can't believe it? We feel the same way. Wait for a while; this is the time for that. Life with #FullOnFab is the best time for you to live with Samsung Galaxy F12.
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