Does the head itch? Yogurt and Dill are enough!

The most important enemy of hair is dandruff. Itching of the scalp and flaking can cause a feeling of inferiority. Dandruff is more common in winter. This is due to invisible microorganisms, stress and malnutrition can cause dandruff. Therefore, aestheticism say that dandruff can be avoided by eating a healthy diet. Experts also say that dandruff can be prevented by keeping calm without stress.

Dandruff is one of the various causes of hair loss. Some people get itchy due to dandruff. Aestheticism suggest natural ways to get rid of itching and dandruff.

Dill or Venthaiyam to remove heat-

Applying dill on the scalp will reduce body heat and relieve dandruff. Add milk with pepper and rub it on the scalp for a few minutes and then take a bath to "remove dandruff". Distill coconut oil with dill and rub it on the scalp to get rid of dandruff. 

Mustard or Paasipaiyer, yogurt-
Mix mustard flour and yoghurt on the scalp and then take a bath to get rid of dandruff. Rub a little yogurt on the scalp and after a few minutes rub the shampoo or nutmeg bath to remove dandruff.

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